Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Results Are In!

September 2, 2014, will be the 3-year anniversary of my wife, Anita Gayle, and I adopting a strictly plant-only way of eating. We both couldn't be more pleased at the results in improving our health in many ways.

When we started in September 2011, one day after Anita Gayle's birthday, we were both on blood pressure medications to control our hypertension and a statin drug for high cholesterol. (Even though neither of us had high cholesterol our doctors put us on those powerful drugs because we were both over weight, Caucasian, and over 60).

Withn only a few days of starting our new way of eating, we began losing weight. Within 45 days of beginning to eat only plants and no processed foods (including no processed oils) our BPs were in the normal range WITHOUT medications and we were able to get off all our meds. We have been in that happy situation ever since.

Sure, eating only plants is not easy, especially given the fact that most restaurants don't have very many (or no) menu items containing no meat, eggs, cheese or oils, but Anita and I refused to give into the ease of consuming food items that fall into the category of the SAD (Standard American Diet). Reading labels at grocery stores, researching diet practices, and asking questions at restaurants became our standard "modus operandi" and it has definitely been worth all the work.

By eating nothing but vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains we've totally reversed our increasingly fast decline into old age and may even have increased our lifespans.

Of course, this being totally our personal experiment on ourselves, we realize that our experience thus far may seem anecdotal, and too good to be true. But, watching our BP numbers steadily go down over the past three years, and my latest measurement in the above photo taken today might help prove my point. My consistently low blood pressure measurement (which I take every few weeks) in the "desired" or normal range is proof enough that our plant only way of eating works for me.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dr. Michael Greger on Causes of Death

This fantastic one-hour video by Dr. Greger outlines the top 15 causes of death in the US and the scientific research behind his contention that a strict plant-based diet prevents 14 of the 15.

This video is so complete and worth watching that it requires no further commentary or explanation from little old me, except to say that everyone who is interested in preventing their own life-threatening diseases and achieving greater longevity should watch this video AND stop consuming all meat (including chicken), fish, dairy products and eggs.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Double-Blinded by Science?

There is no question there are many opinions and points-of-view on the question of THE healthiest way to choose what you put into your body as food. And, there are many motivations by many groups with divergent agendas touting this and that diet as THE best choice for optimal human nutrition.

But, here’s the thing. I went to public school in the 1950s and 60s when math and science were taken for granted as THE best descriptions of reality and THE best way to understand the myriad diversity of the universe. So, to me, science remains kinda like a roadmap by which one can most judiciously discern the safest path through life by making choices based upon quality, peer reviewed, proven research - not wishful thinking, not based upon only conjecture but founded on repeatable, double-blind, highly scrutinized science.

I am of the opinion, which has borne out to be true, in my case at least, that prayer (or blind religious faith, as I call it) won’t prevent one from having a heart attack at age 60 if one eats a diet slathered in saturated fat and cholesterol (animal food products). Maybe it’s just me but haven't most health experts been harping on that issue for decades now? Remember the term “a double-blind study”? That’s what I’m talkin’ about!

Anyway, before this post turns into one of my typical rants about the benefits of eating plants and the exclusion of meat, eggs and dairy products, I have decided to let the scientists have the stage on this one.

So, here it is in black and white - the science behind (and somewhat in front of) the healthy plant-based way of eating.

If you’ll have a typically SAD (Standard American Diet) lunch today of double cheese burger, large fries, and a soda pop, read it and weep, my friend. But, for too few of the others (eating a combination of healthy whole grains, legumes, fruits and veggies) I say pass the heart healthy, no-cholesterol, low-fat, high-fiber kale chips, please!